Enhancing Data Accessibility: Integrating Speech-Based Interfaces with Large Language Models for Intuitive Database Queries
Combining Information Retrieval and Large Language Models for a Chatbot that Generates Reliable, Natural-style Answers
The EMPAIA Platform: Vendor-neutral integration of AI applications into digital pathology infrastructures
SEP4CAM - A Simulative / Emulative Platform for C-V2X Application Development in Cross-Border and Cross-Domain Environments
Image-Text Rematching for News Items using Optimized Embeddings and CNNs in MediaEval NewsImages 2021
Multi-Objective Residential Electricity Scheduling Based on Forecasting Generation and Demand via LSTM
Permutation-Based Residential Short-term Load Forecasting in the Context of Energy Management Optimization Objectives
Classification, Localization and Captioning of Dangerous Situations using Inception-v3 Network and CAM
ROS Hybrid Behaviour Planner: Behaviour Hierarchies and Self-Organisation in the Multi-Agent Programming Contest
Datenanalyse von Haushalts- und Gebäudelastprofilen: Distanzmaße, Prognosefehler und Mittelwerte im Kontext von Smart Meter Daten im Niederspannungsnetz
Increasing Self-Adaptation in a Hybrid Decision-Making and Planning System with Reinforcement Learning
Anticipatory Bayesian Policy Selection for Online Adaptation of Collaborative Robots to Unknown Human Types
Optimal Energy Supply Scheduling for a Single Household: Integrating Machine Learning for Power Forecasting
Short-Term Probabilistic Load Forecasting at Low Aggregation Levels using Convolutional Neural Networks
Hybrid adaptation policies: towards a framework for classification and modelling of different combinations of adaptation policies
Influence of Renewable Energy Sources on Supraharmonic Distortion in Modern MV/LV Distribution Networks
Adjusted Feature-Aware k-Nearest Neighbors: Utilizing Local Permutation-Based Error for Short-Term Residential Building Load Forecasting
Toward Integrating Theory of Mind into Adaptive Decision- Making of Social Robots to Understand Human Intention
A Cognitive Architecture Incorporating Theory of Mind in Social Robots towards Their Personal Assistance at Home
Augmenting the Task of Exercise Gamification: An Expert View on the Adoption of a New Technology for Deploying Existing Virtual Environments in Virtual Urban Exergames
Social Cobots: Anticipatory Decision-Making for Collaborative Robots Incorporating Unexpected Human Behaviors
VEREDELE-FACDS Field Trial: Wide Area Power Quality Assessment With IOT Sensors and Cloud-Based Analytics
CLEF NewsREEL 2017: Comparing Multi-dimensional Offline and Online Evaluation of News Recommender Systems
Simulation-Based Development of IoT Applications with Multi-Agent Technology - Current Problems and Future Research Directions
A Framework for Adaptive and Goal-Driven Behaviour Control of Multi-Robot Systems (Won Best Doctoral Symposium Paper Award)
Quality of Context Optimization in Opportunistic Sensing for the Automatization of Sensor Selection over the Internet of Things
Countering Contextual Bias in TV Watching Behavior: Introducing Social Trend as External Contextual Factor in TV Recommenders
CLEF NewsREEL 2016: Comparing Multi-dimensional Offline and Online Evaluation of News Recommender Systems
A low cost motion capture system for improving the reality of humanoid robot simulator by machine learning
Designing New Experiences in the Smart Home: Multi-Camera Person Localization Framework to Document Predefined Situations
Fusion of Learned Multi-Modal Representations and Dense Trajectories for Emotional Analysis in Videos
A Predictive Model of Human Error based on User Interface Development Models and a Cognitive Architecture
Modelling of Personality in Agents: From Psychology to Logical Formalisation and Implementation (Extended Abstract)
TUB-IRML at MediaEval 2014 Violent Scenes Detection Task: Violence Modeling through Feature Space Partitioning
TUB-IRML at MediaEval 2014 Visual Privacy Task: Privacy Filtering through Blurring and Color Remapping
Predicting Task Execution Times by Deriving Enhanced Cognitive Models from User Interface Development Models
Applying Heuristics and Stochastic Optimization for Load-Responsive Charging in a Smart Grid Architecture
Integrating Electric Vehicles into Smart Grid Infrastructures - A Simulation-Based Approach that became Reality
Personalized Fall Risk Assessment Tool by using the Data Treasure contained in Mobile Electronic Patient Records
Micro Smart Grids and Electromobility Charging Optimization with a Distributed Agent Application (Demonstration)
Best First Search Planning of Service Composition Using Incrementally Refined Context-Dependent Heuristics
Towards Automated Service Matchmaking and Planning for Multi-Agent Systems with OWL-S - Approach and Challenges
An Agent-based Movie Recommender System Combining the Results Computed based on Heterogeneous Semantic Datasets
Requirements for Applying Simulation-based Automated Usability Evaluation to Model-based Adaptive User Interfaces for Smart Environments
Diversity, Assortment, Dissimilarity, Variety: A Study of Diversity Measures using Low Level Features for Video Retrieval
An Interests Discovery Approach in Social Networks Based on a Semantically Enriched Bayesian Network Model
Entwicklung einer mobilen elektronischen Patientenakte für die ambulante Versorgung in ländlichen Regionen
Performance Analysis of User-Centric Network Selection and Network-Centric Resource Allocation Approaches In Wireless Networks
Dynamic spectrum trade and game-theory based network selection in LTE virtualization using uniform auctioning
Using Static Analysis for Automatic Assessment and Mitigation of Unwanted and Malicious Activities Within Android Applications
Integrating Multi-agent and Quantum-Inspired Evolution for Supply and Demand Matching in the Future Power Energy Networks
Investigating the Applicability of current Machine-Learning based Subjectivity Detection Algorithms on German Texts
A generic UPnP architecture for ambient intelligence meeting rooms and a control point allowing for integrated 2D and 3D interaction
Autonome Orientierung und Ortung mobiler Multimedia-Geräte in AmI Arbeitsplätzen basierend auf passiven RFID-Tags
Continuous and Non-intrusive Identity Verification in Real-time Environments based on Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics
Enhancing interaction with supplementary Supportive User Interfaces: Meta-UIs, Mega-UIs, Extra-UIs, Supra-UIs...
A Generic Framework and Runtime Environment for Development and Evaluation of Behavioral Biometrics Solutions
Performance Analysis of User-Centric Network Selection and Network-Centric Resource Allocation Approaches in Wireless Networks
Collaborative Intrusion Detection Framework: Characteristics, Adversarial Opportunities and Countermeasures
Einsatz von intelligenten Agenten-Ensembles im Produktentstehungsprozess: Automatisches Zuordnen von Bauteilen zu Montagezonen bei der Prototypenmontage
Architektur eines prozessunterstützenden Softwaresystems für den Rettungsdiensteinsatz bei einem Massenanfall von Verletzen
Concept of a Sensor based Emergency Detection in a Home Environment (Ein Konzept zur sensorbasierten Erkennung von Notsituationen im häuslichen Umfeld)