Game-Theory Based User Centric Network Selection with Media Independent Handover Services and Flow Management
PERIMETER: Privacy-Preserving Contract-less, User Centric, Seamless Roaming for Always Best Connected Future Internet
Towards a Framework for the Development of Adaptive Multimodal User Interfaces for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Emotional speech in the context of entertainment robots. The effect of different emotions on users' perceptions.
Autonomous Security - Eine neuartige Architektur f?r netzwerkbasierte Intrusion Detection und Response
Learning through enthusiasm - how more interaction and relation to real life lead to a better understanding and less learning effort
Managing Heterogeneous Access Networks - Coordinated policy based decision engines for mobility management
Flexible Strategy Coordination Approach for Supporting Resource Awareness in Multi Agent Filtering Framework
The effects of Agent oriented techniques (AOT) to the shop floor Ð demonstrated by the example of Holonic Manufacturing Systems
Realisierung von Elektronischen Marktplätzen durch Intelligente Agenten Ð demonstriert anhand des Travel Assistant Szenarios