
FlexNet4E mobility project studies the optimal use of renewable wind energy surpluses in order to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles. The technology park in Berlin-Adlershof is selected as the case study. Aspects such as the capabilities of the existing electricity distribution network infrastructure and the integration of energy storage systems are also investigated. The project furthermore researches several strategies for EV charging management. Prototypes for storage systems and charging stations in the area in consideration are also part of the project scope of work.

E-Mobility and energy transition
The transport sector currently accounts for about 30% of total energy consumption in Germany. The energy transition necessitates on the other hand structural changes in this sector. Electromobility is an option for replacing fossil-fueled cars with electric vehicles. Additionally, electric vehicles batteries may play an important as mobile energy storage to offer flexibility to balance the uncertainties associated with renewable energy resources. Maximizing the proportion of electricity used for electric mobility generated from renewable sources, increasing the efficiency of the overall system through the direct usage of wind energy surpluses without further conversion steps are what the Flexnet4E-mobility project is currently investigating.
For this purpose, the DAI-Labor develops simulations to test novel operator strategies which allow increasing the share of regenerative energies in the vehicles. On the other hand, new planning tools will be developed to optimize the expansion paths taking into account the local grid situation and the electric charging demand.
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