Berlin elektromobil 2.0
The project

The project “Berlin elektromobil 2.0“ is based on the predecessor project “BeMobility“. Its general idea is the systematic integration of e‑mobility in the existing public transport system. The overall goal is the further development of yet applied e‑fleet to establish an integrated e‑mobility concept. Integration scenarios are developed and tested and furthermore may be transferred into a large‑scale test based in Berlin.
The goals
The work of DAI-Labor focuses on two areas:
1. The technical advancement of ICT‑applications (i.e. BeMobility Suite) including their implemented services. Major emphasis hereby is on creating:
- Service interconnection,
- Adaptability,
- Interoperability.
2. The conduction of test operations of a full carsharing system within a micro smart grid which contains a large amount of renewable energy sources. Within that operation implications shall be deducted to optimize the energy management of carsharing fleets. In this context DAI-Labor is in charge of three key topics:
- Setting up the test area,
- Developing the simulation environment,
- Progressing data models and business models for mobile energy storage.