AcRoSS - Instrumentarium zur Implementierung v. Augmented-Reality-basierten Produkt-Service-Systemen

This project is a part of the German government’s initiative: Smart Service Welt
This projects aims to develop a framework that supports the engineering of augmented-reality-based product-service-systems. This framework will enable Companies of all sizes to benefit from technological advancements in the domain of Augmented Reality (AR) and facilitate the common change in business strategies from providers for product and components to product-service-providers. One goal of the project is the development of a platform, where a selection of verified and standardised AR-modules are offered in a provider-independent fashion. Intelligent mechanisms will ease the engineering of these modules and facilitate their combination to more complex AR-based services. These services will support a number of tasks (e.g. quality assurance, commissioning, maintenance, etc.) in a business-independent way and thus contribute to savings in terms of costs and budget as well as to an increased quality. Valorisation of the platform as well as potentials of the AR technology will be described formally. This specification will support companies to adapt the proposed mechanisms while helping them to understand side effects on business processes, product design and business models.
In AcRoSS, DAI-Lab focuses on the following research topics:
- Development of a semantically annotated service model
- Automated composition of services at design and runtime
- Development of tools for the creation, configuration and monitoring of services
- Development of a methodology for applying the service platform in companies
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