Chatbot Hamburg project extended

The Chatbot Hamburg project has been extended for a period of two years and ends in March 2022. The Chatbot offers a new form of information for citizens in public authorities. It is a digital service, a chat service of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, which answers questions, e.g. about opening hours, addresses of public offices or necessary documents and forwards them directly to the right place. The aim of the follow-up project “Chatbot II” is to provide citizens with direct online access to services of the Hamburg administration and thus optimize the process of dealing with authorities. Partners in the project are the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and the Senate Chancellery – Office for IT and Digitization.
As the DAI-Labor of the TU Berlin, we follow the suggestions for action recommended in the study “Uniform Authority Numbers in the European Union” (IfG.CC, 2010) and formulate the project goal to supplement the Hamburg Authority Finder and the Telephone HamburgService with an additional access channel to authority information.
Further information on the project can be found at: Chatbot Hamburg Extension.