Towards a Holistic Approach for Problems in the Energy and Mobility Domain (Won the Best Paper Award)
With the current rise of electric vehicles, it is possible to use those vehicles for storing surplus energy from renewable energy sources; however, this can be in conflict with providing and ensuring the mobility of the vehicles user. At DAI-Labor, we have a large number of both, past and upcoming projects concerned with those two aspects of managing electric vehicles: energy and mobility. To unify and facilitate developments in those projects, we developed common domain models describing the different aspects of the e-mobility domain. Those domain models are used in many of our projects for optimising charging schedules and for ensuring the users mobility.
Nils Masuch, Tobias Küster, Jan Keiser, Daniel Freund, Marcus Voß, Christopher-Eyk Hrabia, , , , Sahin Albayrak
, Category:
Procedia Computer Science, 32(0):780-787