Cows and Fences: JIAC V – AC’09 Team Description


The agent contest of 2009 has significantly increased the complexity of last years scenario. In this paper we present our approach to tackle this challenge. Based on last years work and methodology we introduce some refined collaboration strategies. While last years scenario gave rise to discussion of some destructive strategies, we think that this year such strategies play an important role and thus we try to address them. Again this years contest is strongly appreciated not only as testing ground and for evaluation purposes but also as contest of applied game strategies.

  author = {Axel Hessler and Tobias K"uster and Oliver Niemann and Aldin Sljivar
	and Amir Matallaoui},
  title = {{Cows and Fences: JIAC V - AC'09 Team Description}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Computational Logic
	in Multi-Agent Systems 2009},
  year = {2009},
  editor = {J"urgen Dix and Michael Fisher and Peter Nov'ak},
  volume = {IfI-09-08},
  series = {IfI Technical Report Series},
  publisher = {Clausthal University of Technology},
  url = {}
Axel Heßler, Tobias Küster, Oliver Niemann, Aldin Sljivar, Amir Matallaoui
Conference Paper
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems 2009