System zur Optimierung des Innerhäuslichen Energiebedarf

The project
About one third of total energy consumption in Germany is used in private households for the provision of heat and electricity. Consequently the economic and environmental friendly usage of energy in private households needs to be seen as major issue concerning the energy and climate protection goals set by the German federation. The applied method to reduce energy consumption in the project is called home automation. This method offers the same energy saving potential as physical reconstruction while the costs are significantly lower.
The Goal
The objective of the project is to recognize situations and behavior of residents based on smart meter consumption data of electricity, heat, cold and warm water. Following the collected data will be used to deduce energy efficiency potentials. The results given to the residents as recommendations will give incentives for optimization. To increase acceptance for such a system it will be provided with context adaptive user interfaces. As it is important for the residents not to have the feeling of losing control of the system’s behavior, the kind of adaption will stay influenceable for them.