ProShape - Connected Living Technologien für intelligente und verteilte Gebäudemanagementdienste

ProSHAPE@Connected Energy

The project ProSHAPE builds upon the results of the project SHAPE, where an energy management system for optimization of energy consumption (heat and power) for households was developed for an open home automation platform of the Connected Living association (see |
ProSHAPE has the goal to extend the platform with new optimization functionality for decentral energy management on the building level. By integrating decentral energy production (e.g., through CHP and PV) with consumption (e.g., HVAC, other consumers) and storage, an efficient energy utilization (heat and power) can be achieved, which minimizes costs for the residents. To achieve this, the energy management system has to be extended by energy management components on the building and district level, which are capable of optimizing operation of the power production (CHP) based on current energy consumption.
DAI-Labor advances upon the smart home platform developed in SerCHo and SHAPE to be capable of building-level energy management to demonstrate more research focused topics, such as the integration of value-added services on the household- and building level. For that, drivers for energy management components, such as PV panels, electric storage, EV charging stations, and smart meters, were developed and tested. Here, protocols Modbus and SNMP were utilized. Further, apps were developed and demonstrated in the Connected Living Smart Home Showroom, together with the MGrid-Testbed. The first app provides insight for residents to their power consumption, as well as their power costs, which can be analyzed in detail and is integrated with real-time billing services provided by Redknee. A second app focuses on forecasting short-term building-level energy consumption, which can be utilized in an optimized operation of the power generation and consumption (e.g. controlled electric vehicle charging).