Kosmos - Kooperatives, modulares, mobiles Smart Life Lab

A stationary and mobile Living Lab will be established for the evaluation of projects
The aim of the Living Lab concept is to enable the realization of testing, evaluation and dissemination of projects the projects funded under the call “Intelligent, networked objects for everyday life”. To achieve the best possible support, a flexible concept is pursued, which on the one hand expands the established, ready-to-use stationary “Smart Life Lab” of the DAI-Laboratory with new Technologies solutions and on the other hand develops a mobile concept “CoMobiLL” to flexibly build dedicated Living Lab environments or integrate them into existing structures, where Living Lab Activities should take place. The activities taking place in the so-called “KosmoS Living Labs” and the support of the Living Lab partners for the IvGA projects for integrating their research results and conducting activities with stakeholders will be coordinated in the stationary and the mobile form.

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