“Berlin-Brandenburg International Showcase for Electromobility”: Micro Smart Grid EUREF

One of the six projects at the DAI-Laboratory, which belongs to the research program “Berlin-Brandenburg International Showcase for Electromobility” („Berliner Schaufenster Elektromobilität“) is called “Micro Smart Grid EUREF”. The project „Micro Smart Grid EUREF“ bases on its predecessor “Berlin elektromobil 2.0“, which integrated public transports to the use of e-vehicles and worked on the e-Carsharing system. The project „Micro Smart Grid EUREF“ combines several different energy sources, consumers and storages in a local energy grid, so called Micro Smart Grid (MSG).
Goal of the project “Micro Smart Grid EUREF” is to combine several different energy sources, consumers and storages in a local energy grid, so called Micro Smart Grid (MSG). We call it “Micro” Smart Grid”, because the project gets developed at the spatially limited EUREF-Campus. In addition, there is a connection to the public electricity network.

Goal is it to connect intelligently different energy sources. At the same time to reduce the use of the public electricity network and to increase the use of renewable energies. Especially with the managed charging and also the energetic recovery of the battery, the battery gain in importance. The operative goal is to provide the integrated car sharing  fleet with 100% renewable energies and to expand the EUREF Campus long-term into a self-suffi¬cient “island” operation.

“Berlin-Brandenburg International Showcase for Electromobility” (Schaufenster Elektromobilität Berlin-Brandenburg)

Since April 2012, Berlin-Brandenburg has been one of four regions chosen to take part in the Electromobility Showcase initiative. €100 million will be funded from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy for the Showcase program. A total of €180 million will be funded by the federal government for the Showcase program. The goal is to turn Berlin Brandenburg into a leading metropole of electromobility in Europe. In this region are already 150 planned, ongoing and finished projects, almost 500 electric vehicles and more than 200 charging stations. The Berlin Agency for Electromobility (eMo) is coordinating the projects in the region of Berlin Brandenburg. www.emo-berlin.de.


  • Bombardier Transportation GmbH
  • NBB Netzgesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg mbH & Co. KG
  • Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH
  • Schneider Electric Deutschland GmbH
  • Technische Universität Berlin –  Energieversorgungsnetze und Integration Erneuerbarer Energien (SENSE) / DAI-Labor
  • TU-Campus EUREF gGmbH
  • Vattenfall Europe Innovation GmbH

Associated Partners

  • BLS Energieplan GmbH
  • DB Fuhrparkservice GmbH