Foundation of Connected Living

Since 2009, the innovation center Connected Living e.V. has been offering a networking platform where member companies can exchange ideas, inspire each other and jointly develop user-oriented, intuitive technologies and solutions for the connected life of the future. It is one of the largest member networks on this topic in Europe and consists of companies, research institutions and associations. In innovation workshops, projects or at Connected Events, members are brought together in order to start possible cooperations, ideas or projects. Usable, customer-centered and market-oriented technologies and solutions can be collected and developed. In the Connected Living Showroom, members can integrate and test their existing prototypes and solutions. The Testbed, a Smart Home, offers the application and presentation of solutions and prototypes in different rooms. With a uniform operating structure, the numerous individual functions can be networked and combined into a complete solution. The technology in the background becomes an invisible part of a free, comfortable, healthy, self-determined and energy-efficient lifestyle. This networked lifestyle of the future in the showroom was visited by numerous guests from politics, business, science and society.