Impressions of the Digital Science Match in Berlin
Around 1300 people attended to the Digital Science Match in the former movie theatre “Kosmos” in Berlin on October 7th 2015. On the event 100 digital scientists from Berlin and Potsdam presented in three minutes their researches. During the breaks professors, students and PhD students got the chance to get in touch with each other.
The opening speech spoke the governing mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller. Head of the DAI-Laboratory/TU Berlin, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Sahin Albayrak gave a lecture in the Blog “Blog „Smart Mobility/eMobility; Smart City & Connectivity”. The title of his lecture was: „Auf dem Weg zur „Kognitiven Stadt“ – Wie das Internet der Dinge uns hilft die Vision wahr werden zu lassen.“
Other topics at the Digital Science Match:
- Big Data
- Digitale Infrastruktur
- Ausgründungen
- Industrie 4.0
- Künstliche Intelligenz
- Digital Humanities
- e-Commerce
- e-Health