Connected Living ConnFerence on 4th and 5th September
On 4th and 5th September 2013, high-profile speakers from industry, research and politics — including well-known representatives of Deutsche Telekom, Google, Sanofi, Samsung, SAP, and Vattenfall Europe Innovation — will discuss the future of home networking. These decision makers will also be available for exclusive ‘executive talks’.
The Head of TU Berlin’s DAI Laboratory and CEO of Connected Living e.V., Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sahin Albayrak, has prepared the Connected Technologies session, which will look at software integration of the various home networking standards. With four further sessions addressing the themes: Connected Data/Big Data, Usability/Future Devices and Security, every area of research and development in the smart home ecosystem is covered.
The Connected Living ConnFerence is an initiative of the Connected Living e.V. Innovation Center, in which some 50 key players in home networking are involved. In addition to many of the companies mentioned above, the Serviceplan Group, whose partner Sven Kielgas will be moderating the event, is represented. The conference will be held in German, but some talks will also be in English.