PhD positions in 3rd party funded projects

Kennzeichen: 09270283
Verfügbar ab: sofort

The DAI-Labor is constantly looking for excellent young researchers to work in externally funded projects. The positions are full time and payed according to TV-L E13 funding scale. The possibility to obtain a PhD is given.

The DAI-Labor and the Agent Technologies chair of the Technische Universität Berlin under the leadership of Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sahin Albayrak are involved in research and development in the area of smart systems and smart services since 1992. More than 90 employees make the DAI-Labor one of the largest research institutes in the area of smart systems. In cooperation with partners from academia and industry, national and international projects push the current state of the art in the areas of agent technologies, next generation services and networks, machine learning and security. Further topics include information filtering, personalisation, and mobility.

Intelligent information architectures and frameworks are developed in order to be able to deal with tomorrows software challenges.


Depending on the projects, the following types of challenges need to be met:

Your profile

We offer state-of-the-art equipment in an academic environment, a competent team, and many possibilities to excell and learn new skills, with us as well as with our national and international partners from academia and industry.

Interessenten bewerben sich bitte mit aussagekräftigen Unterlagen bei:

Technische Universität Berlin / DAI-Labor
Fakultät IV für Elektrotechnik und Informatik
Sekretariat TEL 14
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin

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